This is going to be a long post…

March 9, 2008 at 3:40 am 3 comments

I have quite a bit I want to talk about today!

I’ll start with tomorrow. So as some of you know, I’m getting baptized tomorrow! I’m so excited. I’ve waited to do this until I could get to the point where I was able to focus on what it meant to be baptized, and not the actual event. That took me awhile! Finally though, I feel like I can do that! It’s sort of like tithing when you really don’t want too- the Lord wants you to give joyfully, so he probably wants you to be baptized because you want to, and not because you feel forced to. You know?

So yeah, that’s tomorrows plan.

All right, so this week is going to be stressful!!! I have WASL (reading and writing) and a piano competition on Thursday! I’m pretty anxious for that… I think that i’m ready, but I’m not completely sure. I’m still learning my two pieces (Chopin and Tale of the Tempest) even though I am mostly there.

I also have a response (again!) to what I read on Josh’s blog (! So Josh was talking about how purity is such a hard thing in today’s society, for men. While I completely and one hundred percent agree with him, he failed to mention one important detail, which is that it’s very hard for girls to also remain pure. A lot of the same factors are there, i.e., the way guys behave/act, look, talk, etc. I know that most girls struggle with guys. I have a really short story I’m going to recount (with out names) but I have a friend who recently went through a situation that illustrates what I’m talking about.

So this friend had another friend at school who was dating my friend’s friend. Following me? This friend that was dating her friend would actually physically hit on her. They would be sitting at the same table in class and he would push his leg up against hers. She would move away, and he would pursue. She asked him to stop, he said “stop what?” So even though he was dating her friend, he was STILL actively pursuing her. The real problem there (besides him cheating on his girlfriend like that) was that she asked him to stop and he would not. He wasn’t man enough to listen to what she was asking of him, which really wasn’t that much. See, God created men to be the leaders, and women to be the ones that need protection. This guy proved how messed up our society is that my friend had to act the leader and tell this guy to back off. Ever worse, he was her friend and should of respected her body enough to leave her alone. He didn’t, so now I doubt their friendship can ever be the same again.

Because of this whole ordeal, I have a certain thing I’m praying for- that guys will step up and be leaders. I know some of you are really working towards that, but some of you might need to ask your selves where you’re at with that.

Basically that’s what I meant about our society having messed up purity for girls and guys. I hope that things will change, because I know that this was not how God intended it to be- with role reversal.

Gotta go now- Baby sitting calls! (I baby sat yesterday too! I love this job… :D)


Entry filed under: Blog Stuff, Culture, Dreams, High School, Rants, Special Events, Thoughts.

Tuesday’s with Jane Twisted Fairy Tale Challenge

3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Joshua Rice  |  March 9, 2008 at 3:55 pm

    You are absolutely right. Thank you for providing the female perspective. This is comething I have talked about a lot with one one of my female friends. Society has so degraded the roles of both men and women, and it’s cyclical: mean lead less, which causes women to lead more, which causes men to lead less; girls are more immodest which makes guys think they have an open invitation to display their sensual side, which makes girls dress even less modestly. We have to work against this, of course, but it is indicative of the universal breakdown of society.

  • 2. ~Firefly~  |  March 13, 2008 at 3:50 am

    I love that- universal breakdown of society… Great phrasing! What am I saying!?!? You’re language is always impeccable (oh, big word! point for me!).

  • 3. ~Firefly~  |  March 15, 2008 at 3:23 am

    OK- So for us gals at church what do you suggest? Like what do you think is the biggest issue/thing we need to work on? A couple of us girls are wondering… Thanks Josh 🙂

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March 2008

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"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." --Dr. Seuss

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